Friday, August 21, 2009

The One With Raya Cookies

Setelah di email, di sms, di call... barula aku nieh bergerak kan?

Sekarang big M sangat hebat melanda.. and mood mmg takder...
tuhla dah ramai tanya baru la sebok nak update...

So, kawan2 sekalian yg di kasihi..
yer.. saya masih amik order utk Kuih raya taun nih..
silalah ke sini yer...

kalau nak beli bag2 baru utk raya pon..

bleh tgk kat sinun... blehlah anda melaram di pagi raya dengan baju baju baruu..
hehhehee.... pasti vougue de vast terbabas2 gittew ya...

oklah...nak melayan kemalasan tahap gaban..

nanti ai update lagik..

banyak sebenarnya entry menanti.. tapi mood... tarakkkkkk!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The One With 8 months Aish

Happy 8th Month my dear Yang Aish Zachary!

my 'mat sengih' boy is now 8 months...
he's definitely a mat sengih!!
and now, he also knows if I took out my camera phone to take his pics..
he'll give me the biggest grin!!! meltinnnnnnggggggg!!!!

Apart from being admitted to hospital last month,
he's doing good... weight 7.76kg, tinggi.. lupa plak...

Oh ya, he was warded last month due to Roseola Virus..
nak tau pasal virus tuh.. can read here

mmg tetiba je dier demam panas..
baru 2 hours makan ubat.. dah panas balik..
so... balik keje tuh... tgk dier asek nangis je..
pastuh bibik cakap.. baru bagik ubat..
rasa tak sedap ati.. call Mr Hubby.. dia suh bawak g spital..
terus angkut aish, alya and bibik pegi spital..
sampai spital.. dah 39.8 dah temp dier..
Dr suh warded... esoknya... pagi suhu turun..
bila tengahari.. start naik tinggi.. sampai 40+
sampai menggigil2 Aish..kesian tul... sampai tak larat nangis...
tapi.. mummy dier plak yg nangis... every 1.5hrs to 2 hrs.. kene bg ubat tak nak suhu dier naik lg... kejap ubat bontot.. kejap makan..
tido pon atas bahu mummy.. thanks to untie jaja, sbb hadiahkan Hotslings dulu.. so.. mmg helpful lah ada sling tuh.. kot tak.. pengsan gak ar mummy..

Alhamdulillah... hari jumaat demam dia reda... dapat la discharged.. skali baik umah... terus keluar bintik2 merah.. macam campak tuu... dah keluar seme..
alhamdulillah.. aish sihat.... syukur sangat...mmg risauuu je masa dia demam tuh.. Mr Hubby dok cakap.. takper... dia dah kat spital dah pon... the best place he could be... Dr ada... derang tau what to do.. tapi I still can't stop myself from being worried... biasala kan...:D

Lps baik demam... he's back to his normal self..
suka senyumm...... mmg confirm susah nak marah dia nieh..
sbb suka senyummmmm jeeee.... hehehhe...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The One with his belated birthday entry

july has passed... august pon... dah almost half a month dah..

but here i am... feeling more malas than ever.. ahhaha..

it was work that keep me away from this blog at first..
but then... it was the big M... coming along the way..
ahahhahahah... hampun!

many things happening during july..
my dad's birthday..
followed by my beloved hubby's...
then my brother..

my hubby tease me (kalau dier bebetul pon... aku mmg tak nak kasik!)
and say that he wants GIA diamond as well for his birthday..
but I guess.. he got something much better than that...

I surprisely send him some cuppies ordered from kak daalia..
(skit lg aku yg nak tersurprise! ahhahaha)
but I don't know how does it look like.. since dah selamat di kendurikan di office... anyway.. I hope you like it dear...

and most of all... the biggest present we got ourselves kan?

so baby, welcome to the 30s club...
tak bleh perasan muda eventhough nama you mmg Yang (young) sentiasa..
mind you that you're no longer that young anymore...(dengki kann..)

despite all..
i love you.... no matter how old you got..
how less your hair is getting...
how you'll look like...
i love you the same!!

lots of luuuuuuuurrvveeee from me and the kids!