Monday, February 09, 2009

The One With the cukur jambul and birthday

On 1st Feb, we had the Majlis Kesyukuran and Cukur Jambul for Aish.. and also small belated birthday party for Alya..

I didn't take any pics... as I know I will definitely be very2 busy on that day..
so.. I hired Cyberphotog to do the job... Moon showed me few sneak preview pics.. and I love them all!
can't wait for the album!

The ceremony starts with group of ladies bermarhaban... then... masa utk aish di potong jambulnya..
buat la 7 round tawaf... seb baik dier diam... diam pon.. sbb dah bagik upah susu... sepanjang org marhaban.. hehehe..
sampai ada org datang masuk bilik pon... masih Aish dok gayut gakk.. huhuhu..

Then, ada upacara berendoi(btul ke eja?). Since takder endoi or buai... kitorang guna je tempat dier slalu baring2 tuh.. ahahhahah.. boley la.. buat syarat... pandai makcik2 nieh bersyair.... kalau dengar bebetul...
banyak nasihat yg diberikan... doa tuh.. buat baby...:)
After seme dah selesai...time utk bahagi ambang.. filla tanya.. apsal tak makan situ..
dah mmg caranyer.. kene bahagi ambang tuh.. pastuh.. bawak balik umah utk di makan ngan family..
so.. kirenyer.. diperpanjangkan lah rezeki sampai ke rumah..

besides ambang... we prepared buffet style utk tetamu makan..
alhamdulillah.. tetamu pon ramai.. and lauk pauk seme cukup...
hopefully seme yg datang puas hati ngan jamuan mkn yg tak seberapa tuh..

Later around 5++.. acara potong cake for belated besday Alya..
arituh dah celebrate .. tp mak ngah takder.... so.. kali nie seme org ada... syiok la skit...
mak ngah sponsor besday kek alya... cake barbie lagik tuhh..
cantikkkkk!!! sayang je rasa nak potong...
kek sedap...cream pon sodaapp... mmg yummiehhhh lah..
Thanks kak ngah for the cake!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came... and for the well wishes...
I know my parents house is little bit far from KL... but thanks so much... for coming...
and I hope... next time bleh datang lagik yeee...:D

Would also like to say sorry... kalau ada sebarang kekurangan dari apa juga segi..
makanan ke.. layanan ke.... apa je lah... sorry yer...

Note: Pics credit to Moon and Filla...


Mrs.Nury said...

alhamdulillah semuanyer berjalan lancar...sory lenny aku tak dpt dtg sbb huby aku kerja hope ko tak serik ajak aku lg ek.Insyaallah biler2 kite jumpa k :)

arjuna said...
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