Tuesday, July 09, 2013

The One With the Raya cookies

Hehehe... sorry... As usual kan... I mmg lemau tahap tepu kan? tapi biasala... kira trend la nie tetiap taun dah last minute baru nak upload...ehehehehhe..
org lain dah tutup order.. i baru bukak... dah kene tanya baru nak upload... hahahhaha... mmg hampeh... maafkan jelah mak yong..

tapi nie kira improvement ok... sbb belum start puasa dah upload.. acaner acaner? kira ok la tuh.....

So, since seme pon dah kenal cookies2 nie.. straight to the point aje... saper nak order... order silalah email atau tinggal comment (jgn lupa sertakan contact kot tak camner lah I nak contact u ols balik kan?). Nanti I akan email balik order confirmation and payment method ok?

Order closed : 21 July 2013... so cepat2 email okay?

So, apa yg ditawarkan.... 

Almond slice
M = RM28 (approx: 500grms)
L = RM52(approx: 1kg)

Choc chip cookies
S = RM22(approx : 300grm)
M = RM27(approx: 500grm)
L = RM 50 (approx: 1kg)

Cornflakes Rocher
M = RM22(approx: 50 pcs)
L = RM43 (approx: 100pcs)

Almond London (almond is full, not cut into half)
M = RM25
(approx: 50 pcs)
L = RM45
(approx: 100pcs)

Tart nenas gulung
M = RM26
(approx: 50 pcs)
L = RM50
(approx: 100pcs)

So, jgn tunggu lama2... nanti di ambil org...! ahahha... saper nak order pls email me at chomells@gmail.com yer..... thanks u ols.. muah!! tata!

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