Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The One With the getting a new .....

I'm planning to change my cute little kelisa into not-so-cute-anymore car...
I could say that it's kinda confirm that I want to change the car.. just the matter of time..
and where to get the new one..

Tgh survey2 nieh... nak amik kat mana.. so.. saper2 ada kawan jual kete..
meh la promo kat aku... saper2 bleh kasik more discounts... is preferable la of coznyer kan?

Ala, Mira nie.. nyebok tul la.. baru nak tuleh2.. ko dah panggil ajak balik plak..
kay la.. kay la.. aku log out nieh...

PS# yeshh.. besok dah cutiiiii.....!! Slamat ari raya all!!


zaini said...

lenny nak tukar ke kete honda stream kot.. kan lenny kan kan? sbb korang nak 10 org anak.. aku tau

Lenny said...

hehehe.. sejak bila plak ko jadik perancang keluarga aku nieh... honda stream tuhhh... tunggu la rezeki turun dari langit zaini oiiii...