Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The One With the Hari Raya Qurban


I hope it is still not to late to wish salam aidiladha eventho hari raya dah lepas 5 hari dah..
I was on leave on Thursday until Monday. Konon nak jadik menantu yg baik tulun masak for raya..
ended up.. dok terbaring atas katil the whole day sbb tak sehat...

Actually, pagi tu pegi pasar Chow Kit(believe it or not, this is the first time ever I went to pasar Chow Kit to buy things for raya, yelahhh... aku kan raya kat Btg Berjuntai... gile hape nak pegi Chow Kit jejauh kan?). My mother in law, my hubby and I went there around 9++. So.. start la beli belah kejadah seme... after a while.. suddenly rasa sakit perut and pening2.... memula cam rasa nak tahankan je.. alih2 keluar peluh dingin(tau tak terms peluh dingin nieh? berpeluh2.. tapi.. SEJUK!) .. and i felt like I'm gonna faint... muka dah pucat2 dah... serious rasa nak pengsan... pastuh apalagik.. aku terus la jalan menononggggggggg je keluar... hehehhe... tunggu mak mentua ngan hubby kat depan pasar tuh..

and ... when my hubby arrived.. the first thing he said was...
"Nilah anak org kaya... selalu shopping kat jusco.. kat carefour.. pegi pasar terus pening.."
huhuhhu... bukan lahh... biasanyer I stayed in the house and prepare to cook je.. my dad and my big bro yang pegi pasar... everybody has their own role to play la kan? takkan seme nak suh org2 pompuan buat kan? hehehhe..
merely alasan la kot kan? hahahha..

I thot the 'pening2' lalat' thingy will end bila sampai rumah.. but unfortunately, tak pon.. I can't really stand.. coz.. rasa blur giler... so.. ended up.. baring je laa... pity my hubby kene tulun masak plak... later in the evening baru I went down and help them.

I managed to cook 'kuah kacang yg fail'(bak kata my hubby).. dunno why.. probably dok umah in law.. seme rasa tak kene.. masak pon out! hahahhaa... terpaksa bawak balik kg and ask my mom to alter menda alah tuh.. hahaha.. so lawak.. kene perli gegiler teruk ahh.. hahah..

so basically, my first raya with my hubby and family... far from my parents(far sangat ke Btg Berjuntai tuh? hehhe)
I heard from my brother that my mom cries... she must miss me coz.. everytime during raya .. I'm her unpaid 'bibik'.. to help her cook and all.. but I know for sure.. she missed my presence there... takperlah.. ari sabtu dah balik kg pon kan?

I can't imagine nanti raya puasa.. I'm unable to celebrate it with them... sure banjir nanti...(tak sure la.. perlis yg banjir besar ke... btg berjuntai yg banjir besar.. ) Tu la kasih sayang mak terhadap anaknya kan?

If I haven't said enough....
it's not because I'm lazy to say if often..
but it's because... it will never be enough....



zaini said...

pening peningggg???? jeng jeng jengggg

Lenny said...

jeng jeng jeng...
hahahha.. aku tau apa yg bermain dalam pemikiran koooo... apapon.. doa2kan apa yg dalam pemikiran ko tuh.. cepat2 menjadik... aminnnnnn.....


afza said...

adakah ini akibatnye ko tak main badminton?

(lawak la reason ko Yang...)

Lenny said...

tak main badminton tuh.. ko kene tanya Yang sendirik..
hehehe... aku sebagai isteri mithali.. mengikut kata suami... hehehe...

(reason apa Yang kasik kat ko?)

Tupperware.Best.Price said...

bess wo pegi pasar chokit tuhhh..aku penah pegi skali..mmg heaven!

Lenny said...

Huhuhu... mmg ler best mior.. barang seme murah2.. aku plan nak beli buah mangga... ingat nak beli baliknyer la sbb buah kan belah depan... skali... aku dah nak pengsan kat dalam pasar tuh... trus hilang ke mana tah hajat nak beli mangga tuh...
dah ler kene perli ngan laki aku.. sabo jek la...