what the heck? biasala mak kan lemau tak abis2..
Anyway...it's balik kg time!!!
went back to my parents house during the earth hour..
alya as usual.. so excited..
sbb cousins dia ramai kat kg...
nak menayang tumbler yg dier baru beli tu lah..
biasala.. alya kan pocoyo.. ahhaha.. samala cam mummy dia kan..
before we went back, I did some stock checklist for our groceries..
found few bottles of BBQ sauce... which I assume I bought since I thot kat umah dah abis.. ahahha... sungguh tak guna kan...
So, I was thinking of having BBQ, kebetulan kan ada Earth Hour..
so..sangat baguslah rancangan ku ittew..
padahalnyer... terpk nak makannnn jeee...
macam2 alasan la aku buat kan... :P
(hish.. pastuh complaint gemuk.. how??)
On Saturday itself, ajak Mr hubby pegi pasar basah to buy some meats for the BBQ, we also buy some burgers and sausages since kids will definitely love them. Bought some drinks jugak.
Balik, marinate the bahan mentah.. settle keje...
actually we plan to have the BBQ for dinner, tapi since nak buat kat pondok kat blakang umah, takut nyamuk plak makan darah the kids.. so buat la petang..
Earth hour apanyer waktu petang2 dah bbq kan...
Invited along's family along since they stayed near by my parents house.
Katanya the more the merrier kan... Kak long bring along some potato salad.
Abah siap memetik buah kelapa bagai... Abah pon excited ramai cucu2 and anak2 ada kat umah.. walaupon dier sebenarnya tak makan sangat pon daging2 nieh..
All and all, food was good.. and banyakkkkkkkk!!
tak terabis makan.. but everyone seems happy...
abis activity makan.. budak2 menggulung rokok utk atuk derang..
bagusnyer activity kan? sabo je lahhh...
waa bestnye bbq, meriah.. I ada resepi home made burger yg 2 kali buat bbq kat umah laris.. (malu nak cakap sedap :P )
malik...nak nakkkkk... apa recipee?? cepat bgtau.. next time balik kg bleh bbq lagikk... hehehhe
best kan balik kg...huhu..lmbt lagi nye nk balik kg ni...bulan 6 cuti skolah baru nk balik...tak sabarnyeeee
genie keje cikgu ke??
kg kat mana? kitorang both kg dekat.. my parents kat kuala selangor jee.. pastuh.. my in law.. kat ulu kelang.. hahahah.. so near kan...?
best kan kumpul ramai2..lama tak buat bbq ni...isk isk..harus larik lagi diet kalo buat bbq kan...haiyaaa....helpp..
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