Copy cat...?
tetiba terasa terpanggil nak tulis pasal copy cat nieh..
after reading my darling fren... chics... in her blog
yup... she had ppl stealing her writing...
and post in their blog... claiming that it was their master piece..
keji? agak la kan..
bukan la nak kata aku baik sangat tak pernah copy apa2 pon..
of course I did cut and paste .. pastu edit skit2 time buat assignment dulu...
tapi.. takder la sampai blog pon nak cut paste org punya and claim it was written by me kan..
that is sick ok?
tapi baru je jap tadik.. chics kata dier rasa kesian plak kat budak yg copy entries dia tuh read
knowing chics... mmg la dia tuh camtuh... baik ati sangat... :)
tapi chics, as you've told me many2 times.. kadang we gotta be cruel sometimes..
coz if not.. org akan pijak2 kepala kita..
ppl tend to say bad things about us..
just because... they know we aren't gonna do anything about it..
they say bad things (rumors la kan?) about you..
they call you names... they make your heart sink...
and felt hurt... and yet.. even they already know that you knew..
they don't seem to be bothered even to say sorry..
ya... i guess...
sorry seems to be the hardest words..
tapi.. adalah hard sangat to say sorry..
when you know you're really at fault?
when you're actually hurting someone's feelings?
kalau tau kita sendiri tak suka disakiti..
naper kita nak sakitkan org lain kan?
but again..
it's a choice you make in the first place..
like the choice we make to rasa kesian kat org..
and tak moh la panjang2kan or melaserkan org tu..
and i realise....
yes... i have a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttt of wonderful frens around me..
and they definately have pretty... healthy... good (great) heart!
luv you guys so much!!!
koff kofff.harus ada orang terbatuk darah baca kau tulis "aklabaik ati sangat". haha
takla bukan baik hati cuma kesian sebab dahla keji lepas tu dikeji lagi.
tapi aku takla mcm kau kene stab pon boleh cool lagik. haha
chics : batuk darah ke? tapi mmg betul la.. kalau ko tak baik... takkan aku sayang ko kan?? haaa.. sbb ko baik aaa tuu..
hahahha... aku cool ke? erks... alamak.. ter'emo' plak aku kejap ekk... sabo je la aku...
uwekkk~ plagiat? nyuntik punya orang? owh, thats sucks!
now it makes me wonder if my writing has been plagiat or not??? ouch!!!~
but i have read somewhere about all writers are plagiarists... u can read here --->
frustrating huh? u bet!
i just can't understand why ada org mcm tu kan. whats the point he/she has a blog then pun tak tahu. peliks..
errr maybe die teringin kot menulis seperti mu :) sebaik mu...
sebab tu die copy entry mu .. :D
sebab die tak sampai ke tahap menulis secara best gitu ehhehe :D
in other words.. ur blog admirer ahhhaha :P
i lap u too..heheh motif tetiba kan..
mmg la dorang yg suka tiru ni 'sakit jiwa' kot..i mean try to perah otak sendrik la tiru sejibik2...harusla chics dah jadi idola biola semua orang nih..
err..akak mg tak gheti nak nuleh...tu pasenye dalam blog asik lirik lagu je kan..hehehehe
zz : tuh la tuhhhhh.... geram kan?
chikanoz : totally agree... tak tau nape nak ada blog kalau nak tiru entry org lain!
sity : hahahha.. maybe.. aku tau chics mmg ramai peminatttt
darling8tabby : akak... i lap u too!!! ala kak.. saya pon tak reti nuleh gak.. tah hape2 je.. tak kisah la kan.. janji.. tak copy cat entry org kan? hahahha...
ishk.. apsal tetiap kali sebut copy cat rasa sesak napas aa??
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