how serious it is? hahahha... let me keep it to myself and Mira je la ek..
but that was not what I want to talk about..
it's the value of friendship she has showed to me that matters..
I know my frens will be on my side and support me in whatever I do..
that's the beauty of a frenship... rite?
that makes me love you guys more...
muahs muahs muahs...
Being the only girl in the family doesn't give me the privilege to have someone to share my secret to, beside of course, my mom.. but sometimes, due to her high level of protectiveness(eh, is there such words? lantak la kan?),
mesti dier akan suh berhati2 and say no to many things..
boyfriend juga dia amatlah meng'scan' dahulu barulah mendapat approval..
can't really blame it on her, yerla.. i'm the only daughter...
walaupon i know she will act the same kalau dia ada 10 org anak pompuan pon..
but being the only one makes it more severe! hahah.. jahat aku kata severe kan?
I guess, that makes me someone yg suka berkawan..
ada kakak angkat la.. adik angkat la...
and also... i have many many many good frens all over the country!
(mmg melampau la kata all over the world kan)
and when I said you're my good fren.. I really mean it and I try my best to be a good fren..
I know at times, I wasn't at my best...
I'm just human being with thousands.. maybe million..... flaws...
I know I sometimes hurt my fren's feeling by not being able to call them,
to meet them... to be able to be there, not able to attend some of the occasions...
ya.. that makes me bad... and I am truly really sorry for that...
I know there are times, I kinda lost myself... and I let myself took over me...
sampai tak ingat yg I have frens.. and I am not alone..
Those are the times I am not even proud of being myself...
and for my dearest frens...(uya, tini, azra, sue, liza... and others that I've hurt of course)
I'm sorry for the bad times I have paint to our frenship...
the truth is... I miss you guys so much, miss our times so much..
despite having different circle of frens, different circle of life....
you guys are part of me... who made me who i am today...
love you guys so much!!
On the other note,
to my dear fren Katik,
you deserve to find happiness...
you deserve all the good things in live...
coz you're someone special...
I hate to see you cry...
but I also know... you hate to cry too..
but again, no matter what...
I will always be here for you...
even not 24 by 7, but you know that you're always welcome..
take good care girl..
coz I hell care about you!!
sob sob sob....
and to all my frens out there.. be it just over the net..
i love you guys as much!!
dah dah.. nanti banjir keyboard nieh..
ninie plak yg terasa sayu..
'a good beginning never ends'..
isk isk iskk..akak pun cam rasa tersentuh lak baca posting awak hari ni..
it's hard being anak perempuan tunggal kan...same here..but wut the heck...kita jadi independant automatically :)
i think i'm the bad one... i leave when you needed me the most.. and i'm so sorry for that...
lets just forget all that and have a new brighter and colorful frenship... you'll always be part of me.. and i love you... and that's why we are still frens till now kan?
ninie : ninie rasa camtuh sbb ninie pon baik hatii... and you're very thoughtful to your frens too... tak caya.. tanya malik.. tanya afza.. surely they'll agree with me...
darling8tabby: mmg.. sangat susah... tapi yes, jadik macho kan? hahhaha..
tini : i love u tooo!!! may our frenship remain forever.. nanti nak buat baby shower uya tuh.. inform tauuuuu....
*ngeleng ngeleng kepala sambil buat muka cam tak setuju*
hehehe :P
the beauty of friendship that is. through ups and downs. sob sob sob..
lenny dearie...
it does sounds so silly on just a world called cyber, how someone can reach us... become our everything. but it happened!
somehow in this great big cyber world, i found my way to u across the computer lines. when it comes to sincerity, ur the one i most admire, with great intentions and loving desires. passion and trust and knowing that u care, brings a lifetime of happiness for us to share...
i'm so glad we have EACH OTHER! *hugs*
this entry sgt best. some of us sgt la tak bernasib baik utk dapat kawan baik yg betul2 baik. i guess u r 1 in the 1000 lucky gurl to have such kawan baik around u. semoga semua persabahatan di dunia ini kekal aman bahagia selamanya
afza: geleng pasal apa tuh?
chikanoz : yupp... sangat kan?
zz : i'm glad our path met... and I love u so much... glad we have each other too... muaahhhhsss
anna: yup.. semoga persahabatan kita kekal abadi...aminn...
huhuhuhu..takbleh nak baca entry cam nihhh..traser sungguh sebak..
u're so lucky to have a lot of good fens around u...
And your're one of my best fren & sis forever!
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