Thursday, October 01, 2009

The One With the tremor..

I'm not sure about you guys, but I do felt it yesterday evening..
I thought it was me being dizzy...
sbb siap dok bising cakap..

"Weih.. saper main goyang2 niehh.."

but since no one answered.... I thought, arrhh.. must be me...
pening lagik la tuh..

but then.. later my fren Katik called.
cakap dier kat office pon rasa.. minah tuh siap muntah sbb pening
so, kuat gak ler kan tremor tuh?

I was suppose to stay back since my Merger project will go live today...
but then, one of our manager announce that...
we should better head back home and evacuate the office..

nak tak nak.. kene la balik sambung buat keje kat umah..

Later, baru found out yg mmg ada earthquake...

nasib baik takder apa2 berlaku kan?
but... my condolence kat org2 kat Padang yg jd mangsa....


anyway, korang ada rasa ke tremor tuh?


...$weE+ 666... said...

...zz tak rasa tapi ramaiii kawan2 ckp dorg rasa... hmmm mmg menakutkan...

kL said...

was beat.. went home early to sleep when you've messaged me.. but I did experienced a tremor before at umbai.. and yes it is dizzy