Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The One With the 'makan besar'

It's Chinese New Year today.. Happy Chinese New Year for those celebrating it.. and Happy Holiday for ppl like me. How I look forward for today.... Longgggggggg leave.... yesh!!! Bole bangun lambat... yesh la yesh la...

All of us (Mama, Ayah, Angah, Ayu, my hubby and I) had our so called 'Makan Besar' today... actually to celebrates Angah's and Ayu's birthday... seriously it was a real makan besar since we ate at Chicken Hartz Berjaya Time Square... eat all you can!! hehe.. it has been sometimes since the last time I went there... the food was OK.. I was so hungry since we went there around 5pm and all of us haven't had our lunch.. I told my hubby that I could eat almost everything! ahaha...

Later, my hubby allows me to do the thing I do best - SHOPPING!! yehaaaaa.... I bought 3 blouses/t-shirt (konon utk keje la kan)... heheh.. pantang dapat peluang kan? Thanks baby!!! heheheh... terima kasih daun keladi...

We had to go back early since my hubby needs to work today(ko la nieh apza... buat keje time cuti..). According to Ence Apza, the job should finish around 1.00am and since me and my hubby are heading back to kg, so better off I wait for them at their office. HAAAA... ye la sangat kol 1.00 kan apza.... ended up... kol 5.30 baru abisssssssssss....!! Apza bole lagik cam...

"wei.. jom la bekfes dulu..."

"hek ko... nieh mesti nak suh org temankan dier sbb takut tertido pastuh tertinggal bas"

hahhaha... takdernyer kitorang nak tunggu dier... we head our way back to Bkt Badong rite away.... sampai kol 615... smayang subuh... terus tidooooooooooooooooooooo.... and guess what? my hubby wakes up at 3pm ... had his lunch.. then, fall asleep again until 7+pm.. giler marathon tido dier arituh.....:))


afza said...

at least ko bleh tido dah kol 7 pagi tu. aku kene bersengkang mata sampai bas aku bertolak kol 1:30pm. kalo tido pagi tu, mmg tak bgn la jawabnye.

dlm bas baru dpt tutup mata. kol 3pm aku bukak mata, bas baru sampai sungkai. tutup lagik mata. kol 4 baru sampai tapah. tutup lagi mata. kol 5 baru sampai ipoh selatan. tutup lagik mata. kol 6:30 bas stop kat perhentian sg perak. ade org nak turun situ. dlm kol 7 baru sampai kk.

gila la. 5 jam baru sampai. nasib baik bukan aku yg drive. rase cam trip kl-kk masa thn 80an jek. baik tak yah highway.

Lenny said...

Huhuh... cian ko erk... aku ingat nak call ko tengahari takut ko tertinggal bas.. tapi.. aku pon bangun kol doblas.. hahahha...

jam teruk ek balik sana? cian ko... takperla.. bagik can ko tido dalam bas.. ko dok sebelah saper? awek ke balak?? :D

afza said...

aku duduk kat seat dpn skali. seblah aku ade beg baju driver. memula tu takut gak nak tido. ye la, thn lepas asyik cite bas eksiden jek. dah la duk depan skali. sesia jek aku tercampak keluar nanti. tapi bile tgk jln jem. aku tak risau sgt la. coz bas sure slow.

Lenny said...

ehhehe.. dapat ler ko tido dengan aman dan jayanyer... kire ok la tuh... selamat semuanyer.. ko pegi mana jek cuti2 arituh?

Tupperware.Best.Price said...

tido2...tuh jek la keje korang!

Lenny said...

ehehhe.. ko dengki ke mior? tapikan apza.. kita la patut dengki kat dier kan? dier siap pegi mandi ngan gajah lagik...

afza said...

aku tak dengki kat mior. bior le dia mandi dgn gajah. sbb dia mmg mcm gajah pun.