Thursday, May 31, 2007

The One With the .....

Walaupon arini month end, tapi alhamdulillah keje tak manyak sangat..
and seme dah selesai...

Dah call bibik suh kuarkan lauk2 dalam fridge...
dah few days teringin nak mkn ikan masak kicap mama (Mama buat masak kicap bestt..)
pastuh ingat nak masak kacang buncis...
lain2 lauk.. tak pk lagik.. tgk mood nanti lah..

Dah siap check seme..
bukakla mozilla... mulala browsing from one blog to another..
sampai kat satu blog ni... satu entry ni...
my heart sank!

I wasn't that close to Arwah...
but I know she's a nice person..
she passed away in a car accident, 2 years back..
on the way back from office...
leaving behind a dearly hubby.. and adorable baby boy...
sedih? trust me i drop into tears when i wrote this...

my heart sank when i read that entry...
in memorial of arwah..
how she used to pray for her son...
and right now, the father thought the son to pray for her..
doa tu betul2 meresap ke dalam hati...

and silently, I'm praying that..
when I'm gone... my kid/kids will also pray for me..
that way..

and I burst into tears....

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The One With the my best friend's wedding...

On the way balik dari my best fren's wedding kat Ipoh.. singgah kat R&R Tapah..
sempat lagik mummy sambil2 rest2 nieh mengupdate blog...
terima kasih la kat phone nieh sbb tanpamu.. hidupku sunyi tanpa WIFI! hahaha..

Sebenarnya, most of the function in the phone, I don't even know how to use..
yg reti nyer.. amik gambo.. amik movie.. browse internet... and hapdet blog bleh?
since daddy telah baik hati beli wireless modem kat umah.. maka... kat dalam bilik time nak tido pon..
mummy sempat lagik browse FP and blog.. poyo okeh? hahaha..

Ehh... sudah lari topik daaa...

Actually, we were suppose to berkonvoi beramai2 to Ipoh yesterday..
tapi since daddy has to work until 4am, we decided to start our journey pagi2 Sat gak..
to my best friend's wedding.... my dear Saizatul Izani Saidin aka Jaja

May you be blessed with wonderful things in life...
may you live happily ever after with your beloved hubby..
En Niz, jaga Jaja baik2 tauuu!!

Dah jadik bini org kene lebih baik dari skang.
kene rajin masak2 and bak kata katik..
"takkan nak masak maggi ari2 utk laki ko?"

apapon.. i wish u all the best ..! hahaha.

Kitorang seme plak.. sempat lagik pegi merayau kat Ipoh pas wedding tuh..
singgah minum2 kat kedai Ah Seng mana tah(tak ingat nama.. balun je la Ah Seng ok?)
Sempat lagik cik pose sana sini... biasa la kitorang kannn.. hahahah..

and daddy la paling best trip pegi Ipoh kali nieh kan?

Nak gerak dah laa... esok update lagik la kalau sempat and rajin!!

Some pics of the trip..

takk... nieh bukan pasangan pengantin..

nieh pon bukan.. ni pengantin lama...bukan yg baru..

nieh.. kitorang menyengih sama2.. anak aku pon bleh amik mood sama2 tuh..

nieh la pengantin perempuan...ngan myself of course!

and nieh kitorang with pengantin baruu...

me and hubby kat Ah Seng..

Me and Katik...

All of us... ha.. nama kedai is Kafe Sim Gary.. suka aku je Ah Seng kan..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The One With the month of birthdays!!

Hehehe... tuhla...
i really think our parents seme pakat2 nak beranak ujung bulan 4.. sampai bulan 5 nieh..
I have deretssss of birthday sepanjang end april until now..

As a result, we've celebrated few birthdays one after another..(baby u still owe me my seafood!)
and resulted, lemak2 ku telah terbonjol di sana sini...
hahahhaa.. mmg kalau dalam gamboo... nampak giler ok?

ok.. stop talking about my lelemaks...
instead.. we talk about something better.. something nicer...

last Thursday ... we celebrated iIna, one of my hawt fren's birthday..(eh..seme kawan2 aku adalah hawt ok) at La bodega, telawi.. Since this is my first time makan2 kat labodega ittew, mak haruslah seperti
sedikit jakun and of course telah melantak tapaz dengan jayanya... anyway.. that's not the point yee..
The point is... we had fun (walaupon aku sorang je busuk pakai baju keje when org lain seme hawt2 belaka)

Happy 28th birthday girl...
Hope you liked the present.. and hope all your dream will come true..
welcome to our club! hehehhehe..

Then, on Friday(yes, the next day), we celebrated Fifi's 27th birthday at San Francisco Steak House..
Actually... this time, me and katik menempel berangan birthday sama2 okeh.. sbb my birthday falls on Hari Mengundi Ijok and mak poyo telah balik kg utk mengundi... (hahahaha) ... and Katik nyer birthday... she was away....
pegi buat umrah... (bestnyer besday buat umrah..)

Since Fifi baru je balik dari Germany (merasalah pegi German kekdahnye khennn),
so.. we took this oppurtunity to paksa rela him to come to MV to celebrate his birthday together2 with us...
mulanya i thot of leaving Alya at home, tapi.. setelah tgk muka dier yg buat2 kesian tuh..
tak sampai hati so i took her along...

Dinner was great besides the chef yg dok ogle2 kita nyer meja jeee..
harusla kan.. kita je memekak kat situ...!

to my dear fren Fifi,

Semoga u ols makin kaya..
makin vouge de vass....
and semakin murah rezeki...

and last but not least,
my fav girl Wan Ezreen Wan Sharifuddin aka Katik (merasalah mak glamerkan u ols kan?)..

you know that you always own a special place in my heart..
do take care of yourself.. coz i do care about you..
no matter what happens..i'll always be by ur side..
tho things are different now with me being a wife and a mother..
but that doesn't change the fact that I do love u...
and my doors are always open for u..

keep in mind that,
u'll always be in my heart....

# huks.. mak nanes bleh? sohek tul aku tauuuwwww...!

Note: Special entry for Syasya birthday bash at my FP

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The One With the diet attempt

Remember on my last post that I'm feeling fat (bukan feeeling je tau.. mmg fat pon!)
and I tell myself I need to do something about it..
I need to control my food intake dalam percubaan utk menguruskan badan..

Tetapi hari cuti adalah amat tidak sesuai utk diet.
Pagi2 sudah teringin nasik goreng kampung pedas.
And without any delay, process memasak pun bermula.

Done with nasik goreng, i made creme brule since hubby kata lama x mkn(alasan lg).
Then, i made Hawaian pizza, and also baguette(sanggup googled ittew recipe)

Creme brule...

Hawaian Pizza

Baguette (tp tak baper soft dier nyer surface.. mesti try again!)

So u tell me, senangkah utk kurus kalau begini?

Yang potato bread nieh.. buat last week kot... tak ingat.. tapi.. bebaru nieh gak laa..

Potato Bread

tell me again... bagaimanakahhhh????!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The One With the fatty

Seriously... I'm feeling fat...
everywhere fat fat... hahahhaa..

tummy fat, thigh fat, lengan fat, muka fat.. semua fat, fatty boom boom!

no.. i am not pregnant and if you ask... that is even worse..
gemuk tanpa sebab...
don't tell me about ke'ranum'an coz the tummy is now trying so hard to beat it!
so... takder maknanya ranum kalau tummy sama naik ye chics... hahahha..

I have to do something...
Seriously I do...

Can you guys do me a favor? Bila aku cakap pasal nak makan je.. pls remind me that I am FAT!
hahahha.. hopefully aku bleh sedar diri and akan tak jadik nak makannnnnnnnnnn je..

huhuh... gemuk ini adalah sangat tak best kerana saya akan cepat menjadi org yg tak best and cepat terasa..
saya akan mula terasa seperti sangat tidak best... and itu adalah sangat pity ok?

takperla.. saya nak pegi pkkan apa nak buat sekarang...
rasa seperti mau menangis pon ada...

Friday, May 11, 2007

The One With the wishes

Something had happen that I almost want to stop blogging...
but when I come to think of it... (ya... i took a very loooonnngg time to think ya?)
why make yourself miserable? Do things you like, as long as tak melanggar peraturan..
then.. you're good..

In life, many things could happen without us even wanting it to happen.. or even notice when it happen..
but again... things just happen... either you like it or not...
You can choose to dwell over it.. and make yourself dissapear...
try to pretend and act as if the problem was never there..
but the thing is... whatever happen still happen...
and there's nothing much you could do about it..
at one point, you just got to do.. what you got to do..

So here I am again, membebel tak tentu pasal...

This week is Mother's day week...
being blessed with two wonderful moms...
means a lot to me...
Tho their personality might be totally different...
but the share the same feelings....
they love their kids so much.... nothing could ever take that away from them!

So, for Mak and Mama,
from our deepest heart, we would like to say..
we love you so much!!!
and we bet.. our daughter loves you both so much as well!!

Now, on my kegilaaan terhadap mencuba resepi baru....
Last week I made some Hokaido MilkToast (thanks to Aiza for sharing me the recipe)..
The bread was nice.... naik giler2 ok...
memandangkan oven mak adalah oven kecik sajork.. makanya..
masa membakar dier naik lagik sampai nak cecah api atas.. hhaha
hasilnyer... atasnyer adalah BURNED!! hahahha
tapi sedap ajeee..

Lihatlah hasilnyaaaa..

Pastuh tengahari I tried Spagetti Seafood.. ini recipe ciptaan sendiri.
main campak2 seme menda.. and turn out.. alhamdulillahhh.. sedapp..
rupanya mungkin adalah sedikit fail.. ataupon banyak fail..
tak kisahla kan.. asal bleh makann.. hahahhaa..

I also baked some cupcakes for Raj's Mom for Mother's day, Fatin's son (AFIF) second's birthday..
and also for Kak Atun....

Hope all of them enjoyed the cake!