On the day itself, we went to pick this..
My first ever GIA diamond!! Sorry yer gambo nampak kulit2 badan yg tak menarik ittew..!
Mr Hubby said better to get the GIA diamond, then I could customized it to make the pendant that I like...
Actually, I took sometimes to write this, coz I couldn't really find the word to say how much I like the present... speechless I must say!
It's really really super duper nice... maybe to my eyes lah, coz I am a bit jakun kan..:)).. Thanks again and again baby... bak kata tukang emas tuh.. next time boleh beli 2 ketul utk buat earring pulak aci? ahahhahaha...
Since 1st May is a public Holiday, we decided to go back to my hometown to celebrate... hehehhe... bought cake from SR on the way back... that night semeorg tido awal.. Mr Hubby must be terribly tired since he work night shift the day before(also not to mentioned terpaksa layan kerenah aku yg macam2 nie..), pastuh terus balik kg... singgah2 makan and beli kek and what not... reach my parents house around 12++.. and get ready plak nak pegi smayang Jumaat... so, malamnyer seme pengsan! But me and my mom sempat lg kuar pegi beli satay.... :)) .... sedap woo satay wak nyamin... better than samuriiiii.... yumyum!
Next day, had BBQ (again.. not complaining tho coz I like it!)... and had a lot of food that day..(keinginan utk diet hancur tiba2... tak tahannnn...) and everyone keep on saying to me.. ala.. arini je.. esok2 bleh la diet (actually.. ppl been telling me that everyday.. so how to get kurus lah like this??)
Munir nak gak masuk pics.. nak proof dier wat keje... oh oh.. pls ignore the belly...
Mu'iz, Mr belly, Munir.. again.. pls tutup mata on his 'machoness'
the binatang2 yg menjadi mangsa
along and kak long
abah and mak
the gedik girls..
cam whoring..
Malam pulak sessi potong kek... and as usual.. alya la yg poyos kata tuh besday cake dier... lantak la alya... asal bahagia..:)) she sang me a birthday song... i tak sempat capture... bz makan! ahhahahah... mak gave me a nice baju kurung pesak gantung... cantik.. dah pakai 2 times dah.. tapi seme lupa amik gambo..:P
the cake
one happy family..
cam biasa, tatau la besday saper nie.. alya yg lebih poyo..
tgk .... dier lagikkk..!!
On sunday, mak buat her famous nasik ambang.... sedap gilossssssssss!!!
tgk.. satu dulang ni... patut share 4 org... tapi.. alya sudah lari pegi kat family along.. so.. tinggal me and mr Hubby... and my brother yg makan skit giler.... rasa nak pengsan nak makan menda nihhhhh! banyak okehhhhhh!!
banyak kannn????
aksi dugong makan... dia kata camtuh lagik cepat sampai mulut.. bleh?
All and all, it was really great.... (mkn banyak kann???)... so I guess..
being 31st was not bad at all... kan kan kan?? (cuba pujuk hati .. padahal mmg sedar diri dah kertuuuuuu.... owh nooo!!)