Hehehhe..... kalau tgk gambar2 ni... mesti korang cakap I giler kan?
hahahhaa.. percayalah... sesungguhnya ini bukanlah satu kegilaan.... hahahahhahahahaha.... ini namanya passion.... minat... tau tau tau? ahhahaha
hehehe.... En Zamzari pon dah pening ngan bini dia ni... malas dia nak cakap apa dah... biarkan je lahh....
For me, mmg best Young Living Essential Oils ni.... I am attracted to it mula2 because dengar cerita about how good it is... so I pun try lah beli the set... and start to use them... pastuh terus fall in love!
My kids love them too... malam2 derang yg rajin buh the mix... it helps them with their sleep, termasuk lah mcm skang kurang sangat2 lah demam sbb diffuse Thieves as immune booster, campur plak purification to purify the air, and RC to help their respiratory congestion. Alhamdulillah, it help to improves their body without relying too much on meds... which I think it is really good.
Besides that, banyak la lagi kegunaan dia for the whole family... Haritu being the clumsy me, boleh jalan2 tak nampak steps tak rata... bedebuk jatuh mcm nangka busuk.. ok tuh tipu, tapi terpelot lah .... sakit okeh tak boleh menapak pon.... En Zamzari pi urut tapi sakittt giler i tak tahan... last2 dia cakap, ni bukan urut ni meraba... baik raba benda lainn hahahahhahaha.. ngok betul!
So, i pun sapu lah Pan Away..... alhamdulillah.. esok pagi bangun dah boleh menapak tak sakit! My lutut (ye, I dah tua ada syndrome sakit lutut!) pun dah ok tak sakit2 lagik.... So tell me now... how la utk tak jattuh chenta dengan ini barangggggg???? baikkkkk punyaaa!! ahahhaha..
Pan Away tuh mmg both me and En Zamzari suka giler... sbb mcm kalau sakit terpeleot ke apa.. mmg pakai insya Allah ok.. satu lg WinterGreen, pun best..... lenguh kaki.... lenguh la mana pon sapu2.... insya Allah settle!
Banyak lagik oils2 lain yang sangat bagus.. citer pasal Oils ni, sampai minggu depan tak abis citer.. ahahhaha....
tapi kalau u ols nak tanya... tanya je okeh, nanti i reply.. dah kata passioonnnn.... harus lah rajinnnnnn! ahahhaha...
Harini Alya pi Archery Tournament lagi (hahah teruk mummy tulis lagik... like, never ending kan?)
Bukan laa... goood for her lah kan... practise2.. pastuh pi tournament tgk ada improvement ke tak..
She started playing(playing ke?) archery ni last year...
she said, nak join archery lah.. padahal sebelum tuh suh dia join macam2 sports lain..
dia takder plak minat (kecuali swimming, sebab main air).. tetiba cakap nak join archery...
hm... daddy cakap since dia nak.. bagi je lah (does he even know what trouble he gets himself pasal ni?)
So last year, makcik ni pon join la archery...
dalam sebulan ke dua bulan tah ... coach suh dia tarik terra-band(ye ke eja terra band mcm ni?)..
pastuh coach dah suh dia upgrade beli bow .... keluar jugak la hijau2 kat muka mummy nak belikan bow ni..
tapi.. dah dia suka, we try our best lah kan nak support...
starting from then on...
dia dah start lah shoot using the bow and arrow...
I ols ingat mcm senang.. masya Allah susah sbb berat okeh bow ni segala..
sampai lebam2 tgn Alya masa mula2 tuh sbb belum pandai lg kan?
so, positioning tak betul lg... posture tak betul..
so asek la lebam2.... rasa kesian sangat.. tapi mummy2 senior lain cakap..
normal tuh..nanti lama2 akan okay...
comes Nov, she joined the very first tournament ...
dia cakap dia nervous.. mmg nampak lah nervous nya..
coach cakap she improves a lot, tapi masa shoot utk individual tuh..
dia tah.. nervous kot... but good experience and exposure..

her team won for one of the category..
good experience for her...
banyak lagi benda nak kene belajar and improve...
hopefully, she will be a good archer one day nanti...
as of this tourney, dah a few jugak lah dia join..
every now and then, i told her... i want to see her personal score gets better in each tournament..
kalah takper, sebab experience dia tak sebanyak orang2 lain..
but her own personal score, kene be better each time...
so kita tgkk lah weekend ni....
maka mereput lah mummy kat tepi padang yg kepanasannnn ittewww...
Feeling a bit of "Love in the Air" mood today... hahaha.. a bit ke? ko bukan pompuan yg mmg suka jiwang all the time ke Cik Lenn oiiiii.... ahahhahaha.... sabo je..
What is so special about today? For most of you, takder apa kot kan? unless ada yg kawin, yg birthday harini...
but to me, double two will always be very special to me...
Today, 18 years back, I decided to trust my heart, to let someone else enters my heart, to love, to care..
to believe in love again.... it wasn't an easy decision.... but I did it!
Perasaan dia now, macam drama tau tak? kan ada flashback, tetiba teringat muka, teringat all the sweet things that you do, that actually melts me... sakit perut, tau tak? hahahhaha...
You weren't the jiwang karat type.. not like "You selalu bermain di fikiran I" type... but... tah... there's something interesting in you, that makes it easier to open up, feel close and warm.... you've always been calm and caring....
a good company i would say... padan laaaa ramai yg minat kan? ahahhahaha...
Honestly, I am not sure why you were even interested to be with me... pompuan lain banyak giler lawa2 kot seme dok minat you... tapi dah jodoh kot kan? gitu laahh perancangan Allah...
Thank you, for trying hard to flirt with a clueless girl I was before...
For trying hard to make me like you a lotttttt....!
For doing so many unbelievable sweet things that gets me "sakit perut" all the time..
You memang saje kan buat camtuh biar I suka gile kat you kan??? saje je tauuuu...
I still remember the time I called you lps study kat library,, and you said you think you have fallen in love with me..
and then I cakap, "eh, buku I kat library lagi la.. nak g amik sbb library nak tutup"... hahaha yaa.. I am that ngok kan?.... sorrrryyy.... I was so nervous and I feel like my jantung dah popped out dah masa tuh... I dunno to say.... tuh je yang keluar.... When I walked back to the library... I knock my own head for saying that.. ahaha... serious nervous tak tau nak cakap apa.... we were'nt dating pon masa tu kann... kawan2 je pastuh tetiba cakap camtuh...
yelaaaa mmg la suka la your accompany tapi tak la sangka u akan cakap camtu kooott ahhahahah...
ok ye la ye la... i ngaku i ngok...
tapi si ngok ni jugak yg u nak kan? ahahhaha padan muka..
When I decided, I want you in my life... takder la all smooth kan? too many ups and downs kan? but alhamdulillah we made it.... one thing I learn from all these... despite everything, we can never be away from each other for long... I think the chemistry is too strong... and what matters the most is not about what other people think of me, of us... the thing that matters the most is US... just the two of us.... so kalau kita want each other so badly, work it out..... insya Allah everything else will be sail smoothly...
I just want to tell you that I love you, so much..
I want to thank you for all the years that you've shared with me...
the tears, smile, laughter....love...
You are the reason I smile more, laugh harder, and cry lesser....
Thank you, for your love and care.....
I L O V E Y O U!!
Happy 18th years of being together!!!