The party won't happen without you guys...
Sorry if the food was not good... if the cake look/taste lousy... and if bbq tak best... maklumler... food was 99.9% prepared by myself...
Sorry again if we couldn't have a long chit chat with you guys...
Ampun maaf dipinta atas segala kekurangan...
Special thanks to daddy... for making it happen for alya and me... both of your girls love u so much..!
Party starts around 430pm where daddy and uncle nazham struggling to light up the charchoal... hehehe.. cian uncle nazham sampai lengas2 muka... hehehhe... sorry chowkk...
Alya sampai2 je dah terkinja2 nak masuk pool coz both her cousins dah pon terjun masuk pool..
When angah and co arrived, Zafri and Zamir pon dah nak terkeluar bijik mata nak terjun pool... tapi mama dier tak kasik.. suh makan dulu...
hehehhe.. budak2 mmg first thing dierang ingat is pool..... anak azra pon tak lepas peluang... runs smoothly.. takut gak kalau ujan coz tpt tuh takder bumbung... alhamdulillah.. seme berjalan lancar ....
Special thanks so much to Kil Heo, Ja and Sony for being the official photographer of the day... Mummy mmg tak sempat snap gambo apa2 ponn...
To all, thanks again for making it happen... thanks for your prayers... thanks for the friendship...
and Alya says... "thank you for the giftsssss.... alya suka sangat!!"
Some pics on that day... credits to uncle Ja and uncle Kil Heo...

banyak sangat gambo.. more pics will be updated soon at my fotopages....
To Alya: Happy 1st Birthday!!! wish you joy & happiness. To Lenny & Hubby, thanks for inviting us...
arggh tak pueh ati. party tak besh sbb takde gamba aku!!
mai : thanks for making it happen! and.. thanks for the pressie too!!
afza : ada... nanti aku update dalam fotopages.. banyak ler gambo ko..
happy birthday alya!
from faeq!
happy birthday alya!!!
many more to come!!!
Im sorry i couldnt attend the birthday bash, but it looks like Alya is having a lot of fun :) Thanks for the invitation and hope theyll be more birthday parties in future
faeq: tq!!
sity: thanks so much!
Bella : it's okay dear... insya Allah nanti bleh jumpa lagik lain kali..
uncle chen wish heppy besdayy 1st year old to youu!!
bestnye besdayy alyaa bbq!! :)
moga pjg umur, n hepy2 n not so notty2 sgt taww...hehhee
uncle chen: alya tanya mummy.. tapi mummy cakap mummy pon confuse uncle chen nieh yg mana... alya sama mummy cakap sorry yer... uncle chen kenalkan la diri tauu...
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